Whether you attend live or watch later at your leisure, APS has a thought-provoking line-up of events available for members.
During the first few months of 2023, the APS calendar was packed with interesting, informative and thought-provoking sessions, which more than 3,600 people registered to attend.
These included the association’s first ever week-long event, the APS Energy Week at the end of January. This had a varied programme which covered broad aspects of energy, including safety and sustainability, net zero, Passivhaus and fuel poverty.
Our Essential Knowledge webinar series followed shortly after, looking at subjects such as menopause, demolition, modern slavery, working from height, the principal designer and CROSS reporting.
The Building Safety Act update webinars continued – and will continue to run until
the end of this year at least.
At the beginning of May the APS Spring Conference focused on progress and prevention. The event was delivered virtually and brought a wealth of knowledge and thought-provoking discussions across the subject. Straight after the conference, the Spring CPD series followed covering noise and vibration in construction.
If you have missed any of the events this year so far, you can watch these back at any time in the ‘on demand’ section of the website: www.aps.org.uk/category/webinars. Members can view these for free, with the exception of the Spring Conference.
The rest of the year
The second half of the year is set to be just as busy – with many more online events providing updates on the key issues of importance. The majority are included within the membership fee, whether you attend live or watch back at your leisure. The only difference is that those attending live are provided with a CPD certificate while those who watch on demand are not.
Coming up over the next six months:
- Personal Development Week: Monday 5 – Friday 9 June 2023
- APS Annual Conference: Wednesday 6 September 2023 (online)
- Autumn webinar series: from the second week of September
- Building Safety Act updates will continue throughout the year.
More details of these events will follow shortly.
Where to catch up
If you are unable to attend a session live, you can always watch what you missed at a later date. Just log in at www.aps.org.uk/category/webinars.
Delegate feedback
The association appreciates your feedback. Every comment is read and taken on board. Your comments allow events to be enhanced to ensure you are receiving the best possible experience and training from your association.
Contact us at [email protected].