Over the year APS has delivered a wide range of webinars and CPD sessions, which will continue to expand in 2023.
The Association for Project Safety was founded on the guiding principle that the association would help members – and colleagues across the construction sector – shape and share best practice. APS’s CPD has always been one of its strong points. Recently – and certainly since the advent of the Covid pandemic – we have been working hard to put on an increasing number of engaging webinars and online events.
Over the course of 2022, APS has delivered a wide range of webinars and CPD sessions, covering topics such as diversity, equality and inclusion, as well as how the construction sector is all the better for bringing in skills, experiences and insights gained from people from differing backgrounds. There were webinars on skin cancer awareness, unexploded ordnance, rail projects, confined spaces and the Building Safety Act.
Dates for the diary
The 2023 events calendar is packed with interesting, informative and thought-provoking sessions.
Monthly economic updates starting in January
The APS Energy week
Mon 23 January-Fri 27 January 2023
Spring webinar series
13 February-20 March 2023
National CPD, spring series
3, 11 and 19 April 2023
Spring Conference
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Personal Development Week
Mon 5 June-Fri 9 June 2023
Annual Conference:
Wed 6 September 2023
Autumn webinar series
25 September-30 October 2023
National CPD, autumn series
6-30 November 2023
The majority of these are free for APS members to attend, with the exception of both conferences. If you are unable to attend live, you can always watch what you missed back at a later date.
More recently the APS’s Hidden Hazards, Human Risks series brought various risks out of the shadows – such as stress, modern slavery, budgeting and menopause. It also lifted the lid on technical topics including dust, decarbonisation, temporary works, asbestos and retrofitting.
The national CPD sessions covered General Health and, later in the year, Retrofitting. We listened to what you wanted to hear and we hope that you enjoyed what we offered. Feedback from events showed a 98% member satisfaction rate.
Delegate feedback
Below are some kind words from delegates who attended APS events this year:
“A very good presentation, extremely useful and well presented. Full of useful information and advice.”
“When added to the previous Network Rail webinar, offerings from the APS this week have really hit the spot. Today’s was insightful, well presented and picked up on a number of CDM and safety issues associated with smart motorways. Well done, APS – and to the presenters this week, good effort.”
“Following on from this webinar I shall be booking an appointment to see my GP. Good webinar.”
“Fascinating information and statistics, all very well presented.”
“An excellent presentation which included items and details of which I was previously unaware!”
Looking ahead to 2023
Plans for 2023 are well underway with the final details being put in place. There have been many discussions at APS HQ on the way the association will deliver events next year. The decision has been taken to keep all national CPD, conferences and, of course, webinars in a virtual setting. The main reason for this is accessibility. Many members have told us they prefer to attend events online due to time-saving and, more recently, the rising costs of fuel to travel to venues.
We know that networking is important to you. With that in mind we plan to run a networking event regionally to allow you to do just that. More details on dates and locations for these events will follow shortly.
Building Safety Act updates
APS has launched a unique, groundbreaking webinar series explaining the Building Safety Act and all the changes it will bring. Leading experts Andrew Leslie (APS head of membership) and Mark Snelling (APS fellow and founder of the Building Safety Alliance) will take delegates through what the new legislation means, what is affected and how delegates can prepare.
The first two sessions have already taken place. You can watch these here:
www.aps.org.uk/category/webinars. The next two sessions are available to book now.
Session 3: Wednesday 18 January 2023
Session 4: Wednesday 1 March 2023
These sessions are free for APS members to attend and a nominal fee for non members. You can book your place here: www.aps.org.uk/events.
Get in touch
If you have an idea or a suggestion for an event, or even if you would like to be a speaker, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at [email protected]