News Safety concerns over precast bridge beam quality Safety experts have raised concerns about poor manufacturing processes and inadequacies in the product certification of precast bridge beams.
News Warning as cladding repairs block smoke vents Structural safety group CROSS has issued a ‘red alert’ after receiving reports of construction work, including cladding remediation, blocking smoke vents on buildings.
News Safety body sounds warning over care home fire safety A leading construction safety body has raised concerns about fire safety competence in care home settings, following two serious incidents.
News CROSS-UK report warns over unqualified RAAC assessments A report submitted to the Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures UK has highlighted the risks of people without the necessary skills performing RAAC assessments.
News On-site Sally: Get up to speed on safety reporting On-site Sally highlights the importance of sharing safety data and information with CROSS-UK, which produces reports received from the construction industry.
Features CROSS: Sharing information makes structures safer Structural safety reporting organisation CROSS has relaunched with a new emphasis on fire safety. Neil Gibbins and Peter Wilkinson explain its role.
Features CROSS: Learning from others’ experience Neil Gibbins and Peter Wilkinson describe the process of receiving industry knowledge and developing reports from it.