
Annual APS conference kicks off a new season of events

As the days start to shorten and the annual APS conference approaches, there is plenty to get to grips with in this issue of Project Safety Journal, writes Lesley McLeod.

It’s hard to believe the Association for Project Safety (APS) is heading into autumn already, especially when we don’t seem to have had much summer. But I always like the fresh feeling you get after the annual APS conference. If you get your skates on you can still nab a ticket for this year’s online extravaganza – just head to the website.

Once the big day is over, there’s always a bit of a back-to-school feel. And, just as we all remember new books, pencil cases and shoes, uniforms of another sort are in the spotlight in our opinion piece by Sandi Rhys Jones. She highlights problems women have in getting PPE that fits.

Webinar programme

We have lots on lessons too. There’s more on this season’s APS webinar programme and an inspiring piece from Mike Kehoe on demolition. Mike is going to be taking a deeper CPD dive into the subject following his sellout session earlier in the year. You can keep up to date with whatever is going on at www.aps.org.uk/events – things keep changing so it’s always worth a fresh look.

Talking about taking another look at things, we have a couple of great pieces focusing on the ever-evolving Building Safety Act (BSA). Check out our lead news story on the way the regulations are panning out. Our legal update from the team at Fladgate is a must-read too. It sets out in very clear terms why the BSA matters to everyone, and not just those working on higher-risk buildings in England. 

There is also an update on making social housing safer and a great reminder as the days get colder and wetter and the heating goes back on – if it was ever off! – about fire regulations for roofing projects. There are CPD points to be had for the quiz following that piece too.

Focus on HSE

We have also got quite a bit about things happening at the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). There are some key reflections in our focus on recent prosecutions. And our cover story looks more widely at what we can take away from the implementation of the CDM regulations. We have a round-up of the top results of the HSE’s recent review of the regulations and we hear from industry experts on their reactions to the findings. Safe to say it’s a bit of a mixed bag, with some parts of the rules apparently working well where there is still work to do on others.

Certainly, one of the success stories is how CDM 2015 has helped improve information flows. This can only be a good thing and there is an interesting piece from our own Allan Binns, who – with Fran Watkins-White – represents the APS England Central region. There’s more about the regions – and who to turn to in your area – when we hear from Peter Taylor who is attending meetings of the board of directors on your behalf.

Never forget APS is your association. We are there to help you all attain and maintain the knowledge to do your jobs well. But we also aspire to be a community. If there are things you want us to cover, please let us know. But, for now, as the nights definitely start to draw in, sit down with a cuppa and read on.

Lesley McLeod is CEO of the Association for Project Safety.

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